Property managers – this is how you can communicate as clearly as possible to your tenants during the coronavirus pandemic

property managers covid-19

Despite the government completely banning evictions for the time being due to the coronavirus, it can still be a very nervy time for tenants. Maybe they’re scared of not being able to pay rent. Perhaps their tenancy is due to run out while we’re still in lockdown.

Here at Servon, we are aware that communication issues are important to not just tenants, but to proeprty managers and letting agents as well. We are experts in Arthur Online property manager software integration, and as a result, a lot of our clients work in the property sector and own multiple properties. We are well aware about the issues that face property managers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this blog, we’ll outline how we think our property manager clients can keep their tentants in the loop during these truly odd times.


Personalised messaging

This one’s obvious. What tenants want and need is clear communication with their landlords. A personal, two-way conversation is necessary so you can help them. You can send a letter, but they are slow and not conversational. An instant way to open up a dialogue is by sending an email or an SMS. 

You have to personalise these interactions. Impersonal and infrequent messaging will only increase tension between you and them and frustration directed at you will build and build. Lead with empathy and understand their worries.

It is potentially illegal for your tenants to refuse to pay rent, but maybe you can make it a bit easier for them to pay if you relax the timeframe of payments. One of our clients is setting up payment plans for their tenants. You may decide to reduce rent or get a mortgage payment holiday. Whatever you decide to do should be dependent on yours and the tenant’s situation.


Be active on social media

You should post on social media pages often. A simple post acknowledging the coronavirus and saying you are willing to help your tenants is a good way to show your tenants that you are being proactive amidst this chaos. We recommend pinning this post so it is the first post people see on your page, you can do this on Facebook, Twitter and on LinkedIn company pages. 

You can also share coronavirus news relevant to the property market and keep your tenants informed. If they are clued up on any changes going on then conversations with them will flow a lot smoother. People fear the unknown, so keep them in the know. 


Adapt your Property Manager website for these times

You can do more than just have a coronavirus notice on your homepage. One feature you could install on your site is a chatbot. They can be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so your tenants can get information regarding their rent situation even if you are not available.

Pop-ups can be a good way to convey important coronavirus news to users of your website. Modern pop-ups can be very tasteful, and come in many forms so you can choose how they look to suit your website’s style and branding.

During these uncertain times, some people are bound to be a bit nervy about what the future holds. We believe the tips we’ve shared in this post pave the way for clear and open communication between tenants and anyone letting properties. If you implement them, then you will have happier tenants and you can build up a reputation as one of the ‘good guys’ in bad times, which can only help you going forward. 


If you need a hand implementing any of these methods, get in touch and we’d be more than happy to help.

For more digital marketing insights regarding property managers, we teamed up with Arthur Online and have written a post on landing pages. Check it out here.

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