6 Reasons Property Management Software Is Worth The Investment

property management software

Property management software can be an expensive investment. There are a variety of property management software solutions to choose from. And each solution varies in cost, functionality, and level of support. But does the investment in software actually pay off? In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of investing in property management software, and outline six good reasons why your property management software is worth the investment.


Your Property Management needs are unique

Your needs as a property manager are unique, so your property management software should be too. Different businesses have different requirements and priorities when it comes to what they need from their management software. Some only use them to keep a list of properties and their details, some use them for accounting purposes, and others use it to store all assets and maintenance information.

For example, if you have a large number of units in your portfolio, then you need something that can handle heavy management tasks like accounting and reporting. If you only have a few units to manage, then you may not need a robust solution like this. You also want to make sure that the software is compatible with your operating systems and other business software that you use. It’s important to take these considerations into account when looking for property management software.

A lot of our clients use Arthur Online as their property management software, but they all use it differently! This shows that even while using the same property management software, there is still a wide scope for individualism, making the property management software work for YOU. It’s always interesting when we have an introductory call with our clients to discuss Arthur Online integration to their websites, as each property manager sets it up in their own way.


Keep track of important business data

Property management software is an investment in your business. By investing in a property management software solution, you’ll be able to keep better track of your data. If you don’t have a system for keeping track of your information, you could lose site of important business data. For example, when you hire someone to work at your property office, it will be difficult to ensure they’re paid correctly without a system in place. You may also lose site of other important data such as work schedules or maintenance records.

Property management software allows you to manage your business from anywhere. You can access data and reports online, so no matter where you are, you’ll be able to stay on top of the situation at hand. This is an important feature that will help save time and money in the long run. If there’s an emergency at one of your properties, for example, and there’s no one on site available to fix it, you can quickly access the necessary information from home or work!

A property management software will help you keep track of your data in a way that is efficient and easy to use. With a system in place, you’ll be able to find exactly what you need, when you need it.


You’ll save time with automation

A large benefit of property management software is that it can automate the time-intensive tasks associated with property management. With automation, you can spend less time on these tasks, and more time on what’s important to your business. For example, with an automated system in place, you could have a form for prospects to fill out on your website. The prospect would then be able to easily contact your company for more information about your services or property. There also might be a way for the prospects to schedule a tour or make payments online. You can even offer digital contracts and make them accessible at any time without having to print them off and send them in the mail.

You don’t have to worry about forgetting certain steps or making mistakes when using automation software. For example, if someone schedules a tour but doesn’t show up, you won’t need to call and follow up with them or send an email reminder. Automation will take care of this for you by sending reminders until they reschedule their tour.

With automation, you can save time by not having to manually track your properties’ location or the tenants’ rental payments. You can easily see the status of each property at all times and not have to worry about any mistakes.

Automation will also save you money on office supplies because it requires less paper, stamps, envelopes, etc… You’ll be able to spend more time marketing your business and less time trying to remember the steps of your processes.


You’ll gain peace of mind

If you’ve tried to manually oversee your property management tasks, you know it can be a daunting. There are always things that need to be done and constantly keeping track of them becomes overwhelming.

But with property management software, you will no longer have to worry about forgetting important tasks or dates. Your system will automatically set reminders and send you email alerts when those deadlines approach. This is the type of peace of mind that any business owner needs!

You won’t have to waste time keeping track of where all of your properties are either as the property management software will do it for you.


You’ll improve employee productivity

One of the biggest advantages to investing in property management software is that it will improve the productivity and effectiveness of your staff. Employees will be able to complete tasks quicker, easier, and more efficiently. They’ll also be able to identify patterns and problems with a property, which will increase their chances of solving those issues sooner.

For example, imagine you own a 100-unit apartment complex. You’re looking for ways to improve employee productivity at this complex. One possible solution is to invest in property management software that would make it easier for employees to find any maintenance issues or potential tenant-landlord disputes online. The software would also allow the employees to update work orders online, which would save time on phone calls and other paperwork. This type of investment has the potential to have an immediate impact on your business’s overall efficiency as well as mental wellbeing.


You’ll be able to integrate it with your website

We feel that integrating property management software with websites is the way forward in the property industry. It massively saves time and money.

You won’t have to spend hours updating information on your property listings or sending emails about upcoming vacancies because of the software’s automation features. It’s really easy to update things like rent prices and availability each month, which makes this process quicker than doing it manually. Often, we see property websites out of date or with old listings, which is confusing for everyone. It’s not often anyone’s fault either, it can be a time-consuming and difficult task if you’re not an expert. Property management software integration to your website will remove this process that so often hangs over peoples heads for too long.

Bookings made via your website automatically sync to your calendar, cutting out the middle man and saving you and your employees time. Tenant issues can be reported on the website which again not only saves you time, but provides a more streamlined experience for the tenant as well as they only have to go on to your website to report their issue rather than call or email.

And it doesn’t just help you or your tenants, your website love you for it! You will have a cleaner presentation of property listings, looking consistent as properties come and go – no human error in uploading a property. Being integrated can get you better search engine optimisation (SEO) as well. SEO is integral to a successful business, and with so many people looking for homes in your area, appearing higher up on Google could be the difference between getting a new tenant or not.



These six reasons are some of the most valuable benefits to consider before making your decision on whether your should invest in property management software. Saving time and money for you and your employees, a better more efficient website that you can use for marketing would be the dream for many business owners and luckily for property managers there are these tools out there ready for you. Investing in a property management software is will give you peace of mind and make your life a little easier. And while it may take some time to research what your needs are, it’s worth the investment.

If you want to talk ask us about Arthur Online, the property management software that we have a lot of experience with integrating, get in touch. We have a detailed Arthur Online integration FAQ if you want to find out more about the benefits of integrating your website with the Arthur Online property management software.

Book a No-Obligation 20 minutes call with our Arthur Online Integration experts

Our 20 minute “getting-to-know-you” phone call is designed to see if your Arthur Online project is something we are able to help with. Be prepared to discuss your business fundamentals, your hopes & expectations of your project and your current business challenges. Schedule a call now.

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